
Les Chants de Maldoror

Alice Theatre Laboratory

Fictional but more truthful than reality? A surreal and provocative fairy tale that exposes human desires and fears!


Yokohama Doll Museum Akaikutsu (Red Shoes) Theatre
4F 18 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama

Date & Time
12.13 (Fri)
12.14 (Sat) 14:00
12.15 (Sun) 14:00
After-talk is planned after each performance

110 minutes

Performed in Cantonese with English and Japanese surtitles, translated scripts for sale

Ticket Price

General: ¥2,500
Under 30: ¥1,200

Pair Discount: ¥4,500

Ticket Booking


[Hong Kong]

Director Andrew Chan
Playwright Andrew Chan Hang-fai & devised by Alice Theatre Laboratory
Cast Chan Shui-yu, Chau Ka-fai, Kan Lap-keung, Lai Ng-leung, Yuen Wai-ying, Lee Yiu-ki, Ho Sui-man, Chan Tsz-fung
Co-Producers Chan Shui-yu, Tse Man-chun
Deputy Producer Cheung Hing-fong
Assistant Producer & Surtitle Operator Lee Chun-ying
Producer Assistant Lau Kin-kwan *
Set & Costume Designer Moe Mo ^
Composer & Sound Designer Pang Chun-kit
Lighting Designer Micro Cheng
Video Designer Tam Ho-him
Hairstyling Director Charlie Luciano@Salon Go Ahead
Graphic Designer Alfie Leung
Text Translator (English) Wong Wing-man
Stage Manager Chong Hiu-ting
Deputy Stage Manager Ng Wing-cheung
Assistant Stage Manager Chan Chi-wai
Lighting Assistant Kelvin Woo King-lung

* The Arts Administration Internship Scheme is supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council
^ With the kind permission of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts


Coordinators Indi Chan, Daisuke Sagawa
Interpretor, Script & Surtitle Translator Indi Chan
Producer in Japan JINT-SAIN LLC



“Everyone has some ulterior desires or fears deep inside, right?”

Y, an accountant, agrees to become a tutor for Hong, the son of his boss Simon. But as soon as he enters the house, a bizarre journey begins. Y learns that Hong is a hermaphrodite, Simon’s wife Catalina is tragically possessed by a black cat, and Simon is a lunatic obsessed with making dolls. Y even performs a head-cutting ceremony for a cultured person…

Andrew Chan, winner of Best Director at the Hong Kong Drama Awards and the Hong Kong Theatre Libre, depicts modern people’s desires and fears. Adopting the method of devising theatre, he leads 8 actors to create a surreal fairy tale for adults. Inspired by classics of surrealist literature and cinema, the creative team innovates gorgeous imagery and portrays weird relationships to make it like a ritual. It’s like Suehiro Maruo’s comic book characters appear on stage. As the dreamlike and grotesque fictional world mirrors more truthfulness than reality, the audience is invited to break free from social constraints and search for an emotional truth. In a story where reality and fantasy blur, actors and spectators navigate the treacherous waters of human nature.

About Alice Theatre Laboratory

Alice Theatre Laboratory is devoted to both experimental performances and Theatre/Drama Education, and a recipient of a three-year grant from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. It is also registered as a charitable organisation. Its several previous productions, including Seven Boxes Possessed of Kafka, The Hong Kong Three Sisters, The Tempest and The Visit, were nominees or winners of the Hong Kong Drama Awards, the Hong Kong Theatre Libre and the IATC(HK) Critics Awards, and have been performed or screened in Shanghai, Taipei, Edinburgh and other Asian and European cities. CNNGo acclaimed ATL as “one of the five most watchable Hong Kong theatre companies”.

What Is Devising Theatre?

Devising theatre is a process of theatre-making that is usually not text-based and focuses on the collaboration of performers in all stages of generation of ideas, research, rehearsal and performance. The creative process begins with (more than) one point of inspiration. The director would use different methods to explore the materials with the actors. He/She/They would also select useful parts in multiple workshops and eventually develop them into a performance through rehearsals.


This project is financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

The content of this programme does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Hong Kong Arts Development Council supports freedom of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council.